Friday, November 30, 2012

Dr. Andrew Fagelman Office Manager Receptionist Delita Hooks Assaults Than Files a False Cross Complaint
After menacing me -- violently giving me the finger I finally take my phone and film....see video post for beginning of assault -- she runs at me after taking off her shoes, punches me in the eye, grabs my hair and pulls, won't let go and than kicks me in the groin.  This is a medical official Dr. Andrew Fagelman's office manager receptionist who stalked me because I asked if she would consider paper cups instead of Styrofoam.  She stood up and yelled at me who did I think I was.  Berated me and trashed talked me as she got out from behind the long reception counter.

Delita Hooks in New York, New York, USA offers the very best care for patients who are looking for treatments related to General Medicine (Internal Medicine).

FYI -- she and the 4 women in the video lied and trashed me according to the Det. Vergona -- not his words but he said they back her up but the video says it all.

If I was suffering from turrets or a mental illness you don't stalk a patient around the office. She stood up yelling at me -- who did I think I was because I asked very nicely would you consider getting paper cups instead of styrofoam -- Delita Hooks response was so over the top berating me, trashing me I tried to find my MD who was in an examining room and she followed me.

There was nothing I did to deserve this and no patient deserves the "Delita Hooks" treatment.

She filed a false complaint which is a crime as well and the corrupt detectives involved used it a crime to make another crime disappear. Internal Affairs and CCRB are investigating the NYPD's role in this.

It was traumatic. An MD's office is suppose to be a safe place but Det. John Vergona also harmed me although he never met me and refused after two weeks of promising to go to the office and interview everyone -- he never went and never met me.

I had defense marks on my arms from the key I believe that is around her wrist and a black eye I wanted to show Det Vergona but he refused to meet me.

According the the First Precinct this assault never happened. I reported the false complaint to DI Ed Winski and Lt. Angelo Burgos via email which I cc Internal Affairs and I called Sgt Chen who begrudgingly said I have to come in and report the crime but when I did I was turned away. Chen refused to meet more or get on the phone so I left a message I reported him to Internal Affairs as well.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Google Censors Suzannah B. Troy for Mike Bloomberg Corruption Look at Kim Kardashian Video but Troy 2 Vids on Corruption City Hall SAIC and 911 Scandals Adult Ratings!

This YouTube no adult rating but my political YouTubes on mega corruption Bloomberg NYC Gov CityTime and 911 adult ratings.

My 2 YouTubes on corruption Bloomberg, NYC Gov exposing more than the video above and I have an adult rating?  I am wearing a shirt I wear out on the street.  No big deal.
What if I was flat chested?
Sexual discrimination and political censorship.  911 Tech system corruption hospitals closed Hurricane Sandy adult rating but the Kim Kardashian video not adult rating.







Monday, November 19, 2012

Christine Quinn Vito Lopez

"Politics really does make strange bedfellows.
Christine Quinn, who wants to be the first female mayor of New York, is expected to give her blessing to a district change that would help the political career of Vito Lopez — who is accused of sexually harassing four female staffers, sources told The Post.
The redistricting could help elect the alleged lecher to the City Council. In return, Quinn would curry favor with what’s left of Lopez’s Brooklyn political machine for her mayoral campaign."

Christine Quinn and Jill Kelley true feminist icons.  Christine Quinn let the Rape crisis Center close St/ Vincent's and Stringer have a march about that -- she invites Lopez and Dave Paterson both who have avoided jail and should be both guilty of abusing women.  Paterson guilty of witness tampering spousal abuse case and Cuomo and Judy judy Kaye made sure abuser paterson did not go to jail so how appropriate they are at Quinn's wedding and political fixer Judy marries Quinn who has gone from being sued for back rent 4 times to owning 2 7 figure homes in 2 states?

Do the math  Quinn is no feminist -- she isn't very bright but she is ambitious.  In fact she is so ambitious she would do anything to win -- sell-out anybody.  Her own district she pushed Rudin Family Condos and makes her community live without a Trauma Level 1 hospital and No RAPE CRISIS Center.

She is in bed with the men that abuse women and she calls herself a feminist.
Hey Charlie Hynes love Vito.  Vito didn't prey on his daughter when she worked for him.  What was the DA's daughter doing working for Lopez a criminal that can't get arrested.

Why?  Too  much info to black mail powerful people?
Andrew Cuomo and Christine Quinn funneled money to Lopez and look to Bloomberg and real estate dealings Bloomberg -- a big deal that was killed by a judge is just one place to start but there are others.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Zipper Superb Film by Amy Nicholson 9:30 PM tonight IFC W. Village

Zipper Superb Film by Amy Nicholson 9:30 PM tonight IFC W. Village

Zipper Superb Film by Amy Nicholson 9:30 PM tonight IFC W. Village

Tonight be there -- if you can't restrain yourself boo Mike Bloomberg and Amanda The People's Burden -- the worse most evil city planner commissioner in NYC's history.

Where ever you live in NYC she has aided and abetted her greedy pals in busting through zoning to destroy our community so you can see her -- a mega-millionaire socialite looking ghoulish from too much plastic surgery and injections in her face making her look like a Coney Island Freak except she has no soul.

This is a film about fighting for the SOUL of NYC and how the Bloomberg administration talks out one side of their mouth but their actions are evil.

Watch this film about a historic amusement ride "Zipper" - you will be laugh and love the People of Coney Island -- laugh with them and cry too but you will never be board and yawn like one of the NYC gov representatives as a Coney Island Native fights for the heart and soul of the community.

Amy Nicholson captures the texture and beauty of the People their soul as Bloomberg's battalion of zombies with their black berries are interviewed and lie in your face lie they get in bed with Thor and you learn what a creep "Joey Coney Island" is what he calls himself but a sign posted where an amusement rides is tells him to drop dead or something like that.

This movie will be a cult classic with great music and film montage cross cuts showing the two sides dark and evil -- so mid night showing dress up like a Coney Island Freak and scream at the evil characters boo your heart out at Mike Bloomberg, Christine Quinn who looks EXTRA HIDEOUS -- really frightening but truly Amanda the People's Burden looks like she is like a soulless living dead zombie and she delights in bringing a Duane Reade to Coney Island!  She has a 40 million dollar trust for her kids.

Reminder Coney Island was RAVAGED by Hurricane Sandy and so was Coney Island's Hospital but greed and stupidity rule.  What is Joey of  Thor going to do if there is a Tsunami besides Bloomberg's corrupt Tsunami of Community Crushing development on old NY"s infrastructure.

The same story with the same characters starring Bloomberg, Amanda The People's Burden, Christine Quinn, all of City Council except Charles Barron and at the time Tony Avella as usual selling us out...

No St. Vincent's Hospital 120 W. 12th St
No St. Ann's Church 120 W E 12 We asked for protective zoning but as usual Bloomberg and The People' s Burden with NYU pushed through an illegal air sale by the corrupt mega-billion dollar loser The USPS to NYU and St. Ann's from 1847 destroyed.  Visit the location see the facade there like an Albatross around the NYU's mega dorm -- NYU mega dormed the East Village to death along with The New School, Cooper Union, NY Law, SVA.

See this excellent film because if you live in NYC these people -- the soulless army of Bloomberg's administration destroyed your community and the soul -- see this smart soulful entertaining film that will make you laugh and cry.

ps Here I am with Coney Island Jane Jacobs yelling down Christine Quinn at Jane Jacobs Street naming and Jane is turning over in her grave.  At Crain's breakfast they even called deputy Goldsmith Jane Jacobs.  NYC gov so phony and delusional as they destroy our great city.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Albany to City Hall Teflon for Too Long by Suzannah B. Troy

What do Vito Lopez, Arroyo family, Diaz family, Pedro Espada until this year,  Rivera family and so many other families and corrupt politicians mostly have in common -- Teflon for too long.

How do Christine Quinn and Bloomberg get away with pushing through so much in your face corruption benefiting themselves and their pals as the DA and US Attorney give them carte blanche for too long -- unofficial immunity....what is going on?A

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Joe Tacopina Super Lawyer Parody 3 Bragging Got the NYPD Rape Cop Off! by Suzannah B. Troy Artist

I tell you in this YouTube the NYPD Heroin Rape Cop is going to JAIL and turns out I was right!

We just don't have a date but it is soon finally!!!!

Joe Tacopina said we can't call his client rape cop anymore so that is all I do.

Joe Tacopina needs a shoe horn to fit in to those suits of his.

He is hell bound.  At least he won't be lonely.  Hey Joe you charge 750 dollars an hour -- how much is your watch, your car, your boat....price tagging so Tacky-0

Joe Tacopina Corrupt Rape Cop One step closer to a year behind bars!!!!

Amazing NYPD Heroin RAPE cop Ken Moreno still is not in jail but he is going and hopefully for a year and while he is there I hope he gets Robert Chambers justice where he is given a longer stay.

NYPD Heroin Rape was suppose to protect and serve and instead he was a sex predator -- a sex addict -- big difference between having a high sex drive and a sex addict -- a sex addict does not police his impulses and is willing to harm his loved ones, his job just for the next thrill.

They sex partners are barely human to them.....  sad stuff.

Well Joe Hell Bound Tacopina and Chad Venus Fly Trap Seigel dehumanized the NYPD rape victim -- compared her genitals to a venus fly trap...

hired Dr. Essig who handed over the original Baby Lisa to Joel Steinberg who beat her to death at age 6 with no paper work and did not go to jail but has a cush job at NYU

The juries believed the evil MD who should have been in jail over honest forensic nurse!
Juries believe lying evil piece of crap men over women?

so the question is is Joe Tacopina going to change that tacky website of his where he brags and paints everything like he is a winner but he appears in my opinion to be a loser and his client is going to jail.   Justice is pathetic but G-d works in mysterious ways and patience is required.  Video from The NY Post -- I am interviewed and I ask how investigators found DNA from everyone on the planet but the 2 cops who admitted being in her bed and her her couch -- an NYPD DNA fix?

The NYPD heroin rape cop Moreno lied and lied and his lies finally caught up with him.

Hey Cy one term Cy Vance great job addressing the heroin in Moreno's locker at the 9th precinct....
ruling the heroin in to a year.
Scroll down to learn about NYPD cop Pena and the 9th Precinct lockers.

Joe Tacopina's message to corrupt cops was rape away and they did.

Don't forget NYPD Rape Cop Pena raped a school teacher anally and vaginally threatening to blow her face off....these are the kind of corrupt cops Joe Tacopina has empowered.  The jury for some reason did not believe the school teacher that she was raped in the first degree?   She cried in court and said it hurt.  What is it with these juries?

Ask Joe and Chad why there have been so many NYPD rape cops caught of late and why RAPES are UP and under reported.

Dirty cops that think they work for the NYPD and not the People of NYC have sent a message to their victim to shut up or they will harm them?

Why don't rape victims come forward?  They don't want to be treated like crap by corrupt cops and than raped in court by lawyers as predators and soulless as Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel!

Based on new insight in to dirty cops my guess is dirty cops are quite creative when it comes to rape and making sure their rapes do not come forward.  Dirty cops are very creative aren't they but still look how many NYPD Rape cops were caught perhaps inspired by Joe Tacopina bragging he got the rape cop off and even being arrogant enough to tell us "little People" to not call his client the rape cop!

By the way Joe you celebrity ambulance chaser face time addict how is search for the other Baby Lisa?

Joe Tacopina will do anything to manipulate people and the only thing he hasn't done YET is sell himself as Mother Teresa.

Great to hear the rapes cops are going to jail but when?  Too long out on the street.

NYPD Rape Cop Ken Moreno hid heroin in his locker although he has every excuse for it being there all not his fault I thought he was batering for oral sex or to plant on someone.  Same precinct -- different lockers NYPD Mina inspired by Moreno's depravity perhaps stole NYPD officers guns and bullet proof vests to feed his drug addiction.

We have to take more actions against lawyers like Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel every time they put innocent women victims on trial...

I had the most wonderful Veterans including a World War 2 Vet and male LGBT activists join me outside Tacopina Seigel protesting their treatment of the rape victim.

Joe said don't call his client --- rape cop so I dressed as joe and use the word rape cop over and over and I say the NYPD Rape cop is going to jail.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The NY Post Editors 911 Son of CityTime

Pinch me!  Wake-up I must be dreaming!!!!!!!  4:30 am not sleeping --- amazing - I set a world's record on CityTime and ECTP 911 blog posts and YouTubes and finally we see the first editoral exposing 911 corruption -- 911 is a bigger city crime than CityTime!!!!

911 will be proven to be the largest in NYC gov history with CityTime coming in 2nd but 911 also cost lives. YouTube response to Josh's article praising Josh Margolin.  If he keeps this up he will win another Pulitzer. This is bigger than CityTIme and there is citytime news that will break I hope soon re: shareholders holding top SAIC officials acccountable something we have yet to do.

A comment on a CityTime YouTube states Denault never signed NYC gov contracts.   SAIC shareholders took my blog and put it in their law suit minus typos and do go back in time to Valcich letter which I read in part on YouTube and point out the corruption clearly went back before Denault is hired and clearly based on the letter before 2003.

The first deaths 911 I remember reported in the press and I am not privacy to stats outside of the press --- was in the Bronx City Island.  Next reported was Bloomberg's Blizzard -- stay tuned.

Liu called for a criminal investigation after a 20 page audit and we never got it.

Aug 20 I called the FBI for help asking they assist -- the woman agent did not know Liu was comptroller.  Than I stumbled on Bloomberg at a press conference and yelled him down about CityTime and ECTP 911 Tech System....I yelled 2 billion 14 million dollars and it does not work properly.

Than the NYPD NYC Gov tried to remove that YouTube and the other one I posted where Mike's private NYPD intelligence divi security det does not obey NYPD protocol.

Google YouTube sided with me.

Despite the NY post editors and a certain reporter being beyond awful I give whom ever wrote this highest praise and would hug you for this article.

This link will bring you to the video of me yelling down Bloomberg.
He than told reporters they could ask him about what I yelled after and NONE DID!

This editorial speaks to my yell down but I called Bloomberg the most corrupt mayor ever.

CityTime, ECTP 911 is 3 billion in tax payer abuse for very flawed tech were there was I believe mega stealing and abuse going on and than remember Josh's piece on NYCAPS?  Than read NY Post article with Linda Gibbs quote on Seedco.  Linda Gibb was Joel Bondy and Mark the Momzer Mazer's boss Children services and look at her quote on seedco!   She should be fired in my opinion as well as others who should be forced to resign.

I want Bloomberg and Mark Page, Patti Harris to resign.  Good to see her son got a soft landing from his NYC gov IT job where he ruled as king and will Bloomberg's sister's best friend get a soft landing and be leaving naytime soon?

The NY Post editors and I do not agree on Bloomberg resigning.

City Council is as guilty not starting with Christine Quinn who brushed aside 2 investigations in to CityTIme and note Joel Bondy testified under oath.

He got a soft landing.

No arrests of NYC Gov officials. Not one!

When will have the  criminal trial of ECTP the 911 Tech system.

I know the NY Post editors hate John Liu but good job John Liu calling for a criminal investigation after your 20 page audit and thanks to Bloomberg and Cy Vance we have none!

Looks like we will now.  CityTime criminal trial does not begin until Sept. 2013 lucky for Mike and the 911 trial will start when?  After Bloomberg is out of office?

Law suits for CityTime OJ Trial in reverse.  911 CityTime 2.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mike Bloomberg, Andy Cuomo Doesn't Know What Anger is Hurricane Sandy

The People are really really angry -- still in the cold many -- scary -- and we haven't learned about all the deaths --- this was a disaster and Bloomberg dropped the ball.

FYI:  The Presidential Election should be delayed -- this was a disaster and NYC is crippled -- we have New Yorkers with no homes out in the cold concerned about food, shelter and heat because the temperatures are dropping.

Just another way we learn there is no democratic process.
Mike Bloomberg thinks a subway ride with his HUGE NYPD Intelligence Division bodyguards clever removed from the photo op who constantly disobey NYPD protocol and boss civilians around without identify himself will win People over just like Howard Wolfson using Hurricane Vicitms -- Resign Bloomberg and gang.  Resign Mike Resign!
Christine Quinn Mike Bloomberg's mini-me, Mike junior, Mrs. Bloomberg thinks she can spin even more one's buying it --- look to her selling out her community to The Rudin Family so we have no Trauma Level Hospital with a Rape Crisis Center in the West Village.

9-11 all hospitals open Hurricane Sandy 911 system fails 2 billion 14 million dollar tax payer dollars robbed and all hospitals from 34th street on down fail or closed down except Beth Israel?

Mike Bloomberg Super Fraud by Suzannah B. Troy

Is Mike in Bermuda or playing hide the nyc marathon generators from the most neediest NYers including elderly in the darkness and cold Coles Hospital. 

Close to 9,000 views and only partial reading of whistle blowing letter proving SAIC less than ethical and stealing before 2003!  Which means we should have gotten a bigger settlement than the 450 million we got back. I was the only one to ask for 1 billion x 3 RICO for The People of NYC.

Look at date of this YouTube -- the only one to say NO to a renewal with SAiC instead a full investigation and folks so far I can't get Preet Bharara go back in Time but SAIC shareholders suing SAIC have and my blog appears in the law suit minus typos and not attribution...sigh.

Another HUGE Bloomberg Administration covered up but SAIC shareholders law suits OJ trial in reverse.

The only think bigger is the 911 tech corruption cover-up no criminal investigation for 911 ECTP bigger than CityTime and lucky Bloomberg and his mini-me Christine Quinn CityTime trial not due to start until Sept. 2013 but shareholders law suits bad news for Bloomberg, NYC gov officials and Preet Bharara US Attorney who said there would be arrests NYC Gov. officials.

And here I am in Aug yelling down Bloomberg at a press conference stating 2 billion 14 million dollars and ECTP the 911 Tech System does not work properly.

Than before Hurricane Sandy I predicted correctly the 911 tech system would fail and it did.

This link above gets in to Hospital scandals including St. Vincent's Hospital which was opened Sept. 11 and also had a Rape Crisis Center.

To date Cy Vance not rushing to prosecute St. Vincent's Crooks perhaps afraid to bring attention to Rudin Family acquisition pennies on the dollar?  Cy Vance afraid of Howard Rubenstein?

Cy Vance is not rushing to investigate 911 ECTP as John Liu requested after handing in a 20 page audit and Cy is not turning over to US Attorney but hey US Attorney doing a lousy job with CityTIme and refuses to re-do indictment and go back in Time which would be bad news for Rudy Giuliani and his deputy mayors turned SAIC lobbyists as well as key NYC gov officials including Bill Thompson and for Christine Quinn, Preet does not have to go back in Time but so far just like slush abuse he is giving Christine Quinn treatment like she has unofficial immunity.

Christine Quinn brushed aside two investigations brought by Tish James and discouraged a third.

These investigations of CityTime had Joel Bondy testifying under oath.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Mike Bloomberg Outed as Fraud by Hurricane Sandy by Suzannah B. Troy

911 Tech System bigger than CityTime City Crime mega scandal, 311 and Hospitals....

Close to 9,000 views and only partial reading of whistle blowing letter proving SAIC less than ethical and stealing before 2003!  Which means we should have gotten a bigger settlement than the 450 million we got back. I was the only one to ask for 1 billion x 3 RICO for The People of NYC.
Look at date of this YouTube -- the only one to say NO to a renewal with SAiC instead a full investigation and folks so far I can't get Preet Bharara go back in Time but SAIC shareholders suing SAIC have and my blog appears in the law suit minus typos and not attribution...sigh.

Another HUGE Bloomberg Administration covered up but SAIC shareholders law suits OJ trial in reverse.
The only think bigger is the 911 tech corruption cover-up no criminal investigation for 911 ECTP bigger than CityTime and lucky Bloomberg and his mini-me Christine Quinn CityTime trial not due to start until Sept. 2013 but shareholders law suits bad news for Bloomberg, NYC gov officials and Preet Bharara US Attorney who said there would be arrests NYC Gov. officials.

And here I am in Aug yelling down Bloomberg at a press conference stating 2 billion 14 million dollars and ECTP the 911 Tech System does not work properly.

Than before Hurricane Sandy I predicted correctly the 911 tech system would fail and it did.

This link above gets in to Hospital scandals including St. Vincent's Hospital which was opened Sept. 11 and also had a Rape Crisis Center.

To date Cy Vance not rushing to prosecute St. Vincent's Crooks perhaps afraid to bring attention to Rudin Family acquisition pennies on the dollar?  Cy Vance afraid of Howard Rubenstein?

Cy Vance is not rushing to investigate 911 ECTP as John Liu requested after handing in a 20 page audit and Cy is not turning over to US Attorney but hey US Attorney doing a lousy job with CityTIme and refuses to re-do indictment and go back in Time which would be bad news for Rudy Giuliani and his deputy mayors turned SAIC lobbyists as well as key NYC gov officials including Bill Thompson and for Christine Quinn, Preet does not have to go back in Time but so far just like slush abuse he is giving Christine Quinn treatment like she has unofficial immunity.

Christine Quinn brushed aside two investigations brought by Tish James and discouraged a third.
These investigations of CityTime had Joel Bondy testifying under oath.

Mayor Bloomberg Yelled Down About 911 Tech System by Suzannah B. Troy

Reminder the NYPD/ NYC Gov perhaps tried to remove my YouTube shouting down mayor Bloomberg that the 911 Tech system 2 billion 14 million dollars does not work properly... Google sided with me and allowed my video yelling down Bloomberg to remain up since I filmed it on a public street and the NYPD Intelligence division Lt. is required to identify himself when asked as I did indeed ask.

Aug 20, 2012

I can't make this stuff up.

Where is the criminal investigation.

Also note another tax payer Titanic 311 also failed during Sandy.
This was like Bloomberg's Blizzard 2010 but way worse....we still will have deaths I fear when the power comes back on.

Is that why a corrupt Det first precinct made me being violently assaulted in Soho at a medical office disappear?

Mayor Bloomberg Christine Quinn 911 to St. Vincent's Hospital and More Sandy Exposes by Suzannah B. Troy

From The New York Times :

To the Editor :

Looking at the images of ambulances in front of NYU Langone Medical Center evacuating the hospital, one remembers the cry for the preservation of St. Vincent’s Hospital Manhattan made by the community and its doctors.

Let us join together to come up with a solution so that the people of New York will have access to the critical emergency care they need.

New York, Oct. 31, 2012

The writer, dean and professor at the Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, is a former attending physician at St. Vincent’s Hospital Manhattan.

Read more :

Reminder The NYT has prevented critics of Christine Quinn and Bill Rufin from commenting on line.

Bloomberg, Amanda The People's Burden, Christine Quinn, Scott Stringer as well as everyone in City Council except Charles Barron decided Rudin Luxury Condos were more important
than a Trauma Level 1 hospital with a rape crisis center.

Christine Quinn Chuck Meara
Christine Quinn Talking Points
Christine Quinn locks out her community to testify they demand a hospital.

Google ECTP 911 Tech System
and my name.

Bloomberg Quinn sold a lie we needed Mike to help us with the economy.

Quinn was sued 4 times for back rent now an owner of 2 tony properties one in NJ.

They pushed through historic mega corruption on CityTime, ECTP 911 tech system these 2 alone close to 2 billion over budget, NYCAPS. FDNY wireless, NYCWiNS, 311 etc plus corrupt real estate deals and guess who us donating to Quinn's mayoral run.

Cy Vance is not interested in prosecuting St Vincent's Hospital crooks might bring scrutiny to Rudin family buying St V pennies on the dollar?

Cy Vance not prosecuting 911 aka CityTime 2 but I after being violently assaulted by a medical doctor's receptionist in Soho 155 Spring st. had to fight off a corrupt cop with Ron Kuby's help and Norman Siegel monitoring. Interesting huh? I never got a detention in high school and I have Ron Kuby protecting me from a false arrest after being violently assaulted.   Interesting how a cop NYPD Det made me being assaulted dissapear except there is this YouTube of me being threatened and than she runs at me with a closed fist punching me in the eye but first removes her shoes.  For me it has a Nanny Murderer quality to it a receptionist for Dr. Andrew Fagelman attacking me but not the First Precinct makes that vanish.

Reminder NYPD cop in bronx fixing favors drug selling now he and wife accused of hiring hitman to kill key witness + how many NYPD rape cop victims given treatment I got so they never came forward?

Reminder the NYPD/ NYC Gov perhaps tried to remove my YouTube shouting down mayor Bloomberg that the 911 Tech system 2 billion 14 million dollars does not work properly... Google sided with me and allowed my video yelling down Bloomberg to remain up since I filmed it on a public street and the NYPD Intelligence division Lt. is required to identify himself when asked as I did indeed ask.

9-11 all these hospitals opened and all closed except Beth Israel -- we bailed out banks. Well Goldman Sachs generator worked but GS can't do CPR.

Hurricane Sandy crippled NYC and violently exposed a Political system and Justice system that has grossly failed The People