Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Office Violence YouTube 20,000 Delite Not Fired or Arrested

Thank you so much, Blessings, thanks, gratitude for helping this YouTube to Break 20,000 views to expose Dr Andrew Fagelman who never noticed Delita Hooks berated patients despite even critical yelp reviews and her behavior is shocking but he did not fire her and the NYPD threatened me violently verbal violence and coerced but it took days and the hole in my retina from Delita Hooks long running punch to my eye that also makes the camera shut off made a hole in my retina as well as her grabbing my hair savagely damaged my cervical spine so I had more problems than corrupt dirty cops threatening and fixing for the Soho doctor's office violence and an MD that did not want to fire her.  Gee I wonder why?  Does she know where the bodies are buried because she wasn't shy about violating my patient rights repeatedly and my body or is it something else?

Thanks again and I hope you all will help me continue to make this YouTube go viral.  The Federal Lawsuit is still on going and I have submitted abusive comments on behalf of those involved to Internal Affairs etc.  

I am told the case is now open but the NYPD is not doing anything if they do anything at all until after my lawsuit and lawyers said that is NYPD just making yet another excuse.

The NYPD interfered with/ violated my Constitutional Rights and due process.  I called the DA and the Attorney General's office told me to go back to the DA that turned me away and told me IAB had to contact them.  Thanks to Dr Fagelman and corrupt cops I feel so traumatized beyond the horrific unprofessional and lying violent Delita Hooks.  At least she isn't abusing patients anymore and if she hits anybody else she may not get fixing and favors and threat victims yet again in a letter to the NYPD ever again?

The video above is prove of assault and a false cross complaint...
I want to upgrade to assault second degree but so far the NYPD keep making excuses why I can't -- the newest because I am suing.  I was a patient the medical offices in Soho.

The NYPD sealed her false cross complaint but there was also a letter to her NYPD Pals who sealed her false cross complaint in under 1 year and in the letter she further HARASSES and THREATENS ME  and reminder Det John Vergona also harassed me and threatened me... and isn't that witness tampering but there was a lot of witness tampering involved including the NYPD, IAB and YouTube comments on behalf of all involved?

Still no ARRESTS of Delita Hooks and Det Vergona and all NYPD and IAB involved but the NYPD know a lot about crime and covering up for the Blue Wall of Corruption as well as NYPD PBA and Internal Affairs Bureau fixing and favors?

Call 1-800- NYPD PBA IAB fixing and favors....

I want the phone records, and IAB notes as well as NYPD regarding my case and all players involved files on them....yes I do and subpoena power if not now than when I get a new Commission in to NYPD and Internal Affairs Bureau corruption.
Thanks again for helping this YouTube to break 20,000.

The video above is prove of assault and a false cross complaint...
I want to upgrade to assault second degree but so far the NYPD keep making excuses why I can't -- the newest because I am suing.  I was a patient the medical offices in Soho.

Dr Andrew Fagelman told my private investigator I was not his patient and he never met me.  Now my MD that shared the office demanded Delita Hooks be fired.   Dr FAgelman does not know his receptionist office manager is not allowed to violate other patients of MD's that share the office -- he doesn't know Delita Hooks is not allowed to violate other patient's rights repeatedly as well as their bodies.  Dr Fagelman said he could not comment on whether he spoke to the police.  

Not one woman in that video asked are you all right.   I do not know their names and I only learned Delita Hooks after the NYPD coerced me to drop charges on Saturday Oct 20th so the NYPD broke the law as well as coercion is  a serious  crime not a policing tool.  

Ron Kuby blog post has a two paragraphs up top a must read about Det John Vergona threatening me -- how even the NYPD police report states I feared for my safety and how the NYPD and IAB are using Ron's letter but the letter is like a NEON sign I WAS COERCED vs my attacker's letter that threatens me and harasses me yet again but right in a letter to her NYPD pals that sealed her false cross complaint with her crime of coercion.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Dr Andrew Fagelman Traumaville Delita Hooks Not Fired or Arrested

Delita Hooks I will Slap the Crap out of Your Ass and Delita Hooks False Criminal Report

Dr Fagelman 155 Spring St 
Violence lies repeated violation of Patient Rights another MD's patient - MDs share office violating any patient's right not okay and than Delita Hooks repeatedly violates patient's body and lies blaming patient and NYPD fix it.  IAB caught fixing it for NYPD named in Federal lawsuit.  

Below an old post reposting -- 4:30 in the morning -- welcome to "Traumaville" thanks to Dr Andrew Fagelman who did not fire her and I want to ask him under oath did he call 1800 NYPD Fix it?  I have a lot of questions for her and the women in the video. Will they lie under oath? Delita Hooks had no fear filing a false cross complaint and threatening me in a letter to NYPD pals with a 2nd false cross complaint.  The NYPD infamous for testilying.  -----

The PTS extra bad from assault savage attack at Dr Andrew Fagelman's and NYPD IAB role. 

I am having problems with my back neck hip and today see foot doctor to see if he can help with Achilles Tendonitis, knees and if he has any ideas to help with pain from the feet up.  Next week the back and neck doctor. Exhausted.  Still low grade cold from stress.  

I think of Adrian Schoolcraft and how Internal Affairs betrayed him.

Now I have her false criminal report and it proves to me that Ray Kelly, Charles Campisi and IAB are truly corrupt.  Why?  Where is her arrest for assault and a false cross complaint and where is the arrest of Det John Vergona for coercion and fyi he wasn't a rogue cop acting alone.

So where are the arrests and punishment for the NYPD and IAB involved?

Here is the video proving Dr Andrew Fagelman's receptionist office manager Delita Hooks savagely attacked me and I was Dr Vine's patient who shared the office with Dr Fagelman.

There is a powerful New York Times article about the fact the NYPD can't police themselves and Internal Affairs does more shuffling paper than investigating crime.

NYPD Corruption Calling Internal Affairs U R calling Criminals protecting criminals?