Saturday, March 31, 2012

CityTime SAIC CNN Ireport Removed Here it is! Who is JellyBean?

Everyday I enjoy shining light on how the media is blacking out news on the biggest scandal EVER except for the 911 Tech system called ECTP
and oops than there is this press release and a sweet heart naively wrote me to say the problems with ECTP where the NYPD and FDNY not getting along -- WRONG FOLKS!!!  The problem a revolving door of corruption.  Oh Gartner who bills us up the whaaazooo for counsulting advice may have suggested that but FYI -- no new reporter will investigate how much we pay Gartner owned by Glenn Hutchins a member of the Partnership for NY I renamed the Oligarchs of NY -- the rich folk that want to rule NYC.

If you want to know why honest city workers are being laid off and more harsh cuts it is because of mega mega abuse of tax payer money theft and Bloomberg rewarding a culture of failure and a revolving door of corruption and he and Christine Quinn are being protected.

Rewind CityTime back in time and folks this went back back -- way way back in Time to  Rudy Giuliani Time.  Surprise his deputy mayors are SAIC lobbyists!  Surprise!

So far no arrests of NYC gov officials and they should be top officials.   Rose Gill Hearn the head of Dept of Investigation should have her butt booted out of NYC gov office -- she is the Cathie Black of DOI.
Rose Gill Hearn’s Dad uber duba connected and that helped when he got busted for abusing tax payer money himself!

Reminder -- we should have gotten 1 billion x 3 back CityTime SAIC and I want the same for all tech deals -- investigations and our money back plus damages.  I want to go after SAIC’s accounting firm as well as hold top NYC gov officials accountable and I want to start taking care of the People of NY rehiring all honest City Workers that were laid off so we could dump a fortune in to corrupt cesspools posing as tech contracts!

So is Jelly Bean going to be arrested?  No newspaper has touched this piece of CityTime news either!
Now to the CNN Ireport that was removed but saved here!
CNN IReport -- the famous Ireport that blew the whistle when DOI was doing less than a stellar job...

has been removed but it has been saved on


NY Media Blacks Out NYC Unemployment Up 9.6 % Higher Than National Average

Again the media protecting mayor Bloomberg and Christine Quinn who okayed a mega-fortune to help greedy companies including defense companies to bilk us as honest city workers were laid-off!!!!!!!

CityTime mega-scandal cover-up blacked out by press with zero investigative reporters.

More harsh cuts and lay-offs to come of honest city workers as Bloomberg and his mini-me fatten greedy companies billing us obscenely and in my opinion criminally and getting away with it.

Bloomberg and Quinn reward a culture of corruption and failure with tax payer money -- the greatest abuses ever in NYC gov history and with Rudy roots.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Cy Vance Lloyd Constantine NYPD Rape Cop 2 Disaster for Cy Vance Resign!

Watch the video -- funny Constantine donated money to Cy Vance's troubled campaign -- and question -- did Cy Vance break campaign laws -- he did have trouble paying his debt...
there is a lot more in my new video but NYPD rape cops feel emboldened don't they and Cy Vance did nothing about the NYPD rape cop Moreno having heroin in his locker.

I get in to more outrages and it is 7 minutes long including news blacked out by media re: Bloomberg and Chrisitne Quinn from CityTime to St. Vincent's Rudin luxury condos.'

Check all my posts today.

Christine Quinn Caught in Lie Rudin Family $30,000 Campaign Donation Sell-out West Village her district No Hospital!

Hey Cy Vance where is the prosecution of St. Vincent's crooks?  Is Cy Vance worried prosecuting St. Vincent's crooks could throw unwelcome light on Rudin acquisition. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The New Yorker Christine Quinn Mike's 4 and 5th Term from the Golf Course

As the NY Media blacks out the largest corruption mega-theft and fraud city hall they spew Orwellian type lies and again I urge you to not believe the media and show up and vote in the primary -- vote Quinn out!

Christine Quinn Occupy Wall St. Quinn Taking Money Hand Over Fist Wall Street!!!!!!!

NY Post article laughable!

Christine Quinn is taking money hand over fist from Wall Street.  She has her "community division" with tony simone of goldman sachs....he says F you to community members from her district like Donny Moss and sure hope he doesn't do that and fund raising on NYC gov time because that would be breaking campaign laws.  Chrisitne Quinn had nothing to say about the wrong mass arrests of OWS on Brooklyn Bridge because she enjoys being above the law like Mike Bloomberg -- both guilty of pushing through an illegal third term, abusing slush money and Cy Vance and US Attorney turn a blind eye!  They pushed through a third term selling a lie we needed Mike to help us with the economy.  Mike is now worth 22 Billion dollars and Quinn and her gal pals have grown richer.  Nice work if you can get it and all lies.  True criminals.

Irony:  The NYPD do the bidding of the 1 percent but if the 1 percent ever get this wish to turn this island of Manhattan in to the island of 1 percenters and their puppets with working class commuting in -- the "service class" the NYPD would die of boredom and miss all trouble makers big time.

I wrote a short story fictional sketch Blooders about these rich arrogant NY a-holes keeping people as slaves for their blood believe or not.

Posted a much longer comment part 2 NY Post.

More proof Goldman Sachs her community outreach and rumor has it they have offices in 250 Broadway -- where Christine Quinn locked out her community West Village Chelsea from testifying before City Council they demand a hospital.

Where was Quinn that morning and tony simone?  No where to be seen.

I confront her coming out the back door ps 41 because she is too much of a coward to face protestors that want to know why she takes kick backs from Rudin and won't fight for protective zoning for St. Vincent's buildings for a hospital only.

I catch her as usual -- the back door by the garbage dumpsters scurrying to avoid her critics.

Norman Siegel wants an investigation in to why the People were locked out in the freezing cold 250 Broadway -- where were the city council members -- when one senior handicap member got in 3 hours later but there were only 2 of 52 city council representatives.

I have handed Quinn a list of demands at City Hall with Norman Siegel at my side and in it demands an investigation in to why an ambulance took 30 minutes for a 75 year old man that passed out in the freezing cold.  Quinn's staff member to afraid to give me his biz card -- tall grey haired man said he called th 1st -- he did not give me the name of who he spoke to at the 1st and no 911 call happened.

I have the name of the NYPD officer that called 911 and followed up with him plus Dr. David Kaufman who made 7 calls and timed the ambulance as well as Nurse Dunn who with Kaufman attended to the man but in Quinn's mind it never happened.

250 Broadway security were evil as hell and refused my demand to allow the elderly and most fragile people in immediately out of the bitter cold.

Irony--- I was dressed in Quinn drag mocking her corrupt dealings with Rudin, John Sexton NYU, Emily Giske, term limits slush abuse etc but Quinn and Tony Simone were no were to be seen and clearly they have a relationship with 250 Broadway security who refused the most frail the warmth of shelter inside the building.  

Some future mayor she would make.

Monday, March 26, 2012

The NY Times Gives Steve Rattner Pay To Play Crook NY Pensions Another OpEd Piece!

Big time phony crook in my book Steve Rattner blabbers on about economy inequality when the rich crook paid to play NY Pensions and than paid to not plead guilty and than paid to not go to jail!!!!!!!!!!

Talk about inequality!!!!!!!

Shame on The New York Times for giving their own's best friend -- Wayne Barret before he was fired wrote a humorous piece on how these two close men work out -- sweat together !


ARE YOU JOKING.  STEVE RATTNER WRITING ABOUT INEQUALITY.  IF HE WASN'T VERY, VERY RICH, WHITE AND CONNECTED HE WOULD BE IN JAIL exercising with Alan Hevesi instead of Arthur Sulzberger. Andrew Cuomo let Rattner walk and why was that?  Cuomo did the same for Dave Patterson and both excuses for men belong in jail.

Hey Mike Bloomberg, thanks for restructuring the NY Pensions late in your third term after your best friend Steve Rattner and money manger as well as your biggest client Goldman Sachs exploited and abused the NY Pensions.

Dear NYPD:  If you knew what Goldman Sachs did to your pensions you would be clubbing them with your night stick but don't worry -- even if it takes a Federal bail-out you will get your money.

Steve Rattner banned by the Security Exchange Commission -- liar and crook gets another op-ed piece that is as phony and disingenuous as he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mike stands by his man!   When Steve Rattner was forced to step down from his job at The White House he lied and he said he was stepping down to spend more time with his family.  Who knew Mike was his family!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Christine Quinn Endangers Children of West Village NY Times Paints her as Kindergarten Hero Christine Quinn ms kick backs got plenty from Rudin to push through Rudin Hospital luxury condo conversion - Rudin penny on the dollars and looking for tax right offs like a faux hospital - a Duane Reade on steroids with 2 beds and another big tax deduction -- a school courtesy of greedy community crusher Rudin -- but Christine Quinn and Rudin endanger all those children with no hospital beds and lack of Trauma Level 1 Hospital. Bloomberg Quinn -- how do u push population growth and prevent zoning protection for a hospital only. Quinn has put her most fragile members of her district in jeopardy because she put greed first.

Why no prosecution St Vincent crooks - perhaps Bloomberg Rudim Quinn worry about drawing attention to Rudin's acquisition.

Shame on The NY Times - 2 articles on Chris Quinn and kindergarten when she has allowed the children of the West Village's lives in jeopardy.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Amanda The People's Burden Commissioner City Planning Should Resign

If Occupy Wall Street had an ounce of awareness the commissioner they should be demanding to step down is Amanda the People's Burden -- a mega- millionaire socialite with a  40 million dollar trust for her kids.....

Amanda the People's Burden along with Mike Bloomberg are responsible for the most mass displacement since The American People in the NY area.

Burden the People's Burden has pushed through a Tsunami  greedy corrupt community crushing development always ruling in favor of her rich pals and that includes NYU, Cooper Union, NY Law, SVA and Columbia U.  Here in NYC all these Universities are real estate magnates.  Cooper Union is a real estates magnate and thank them all for all the bars and banks catering to students.

College kids go back and ask your profs and the President of your college and they will confirm that and they have beaten down community law suits as well at the People.

She has pushed through ever greedy corrupt deal including preventing the People from having protective zoning for a hospital only.

She is a horror show and truly evil.

For OWS 60 Wall Street -- you can't use the toilets?  Thank Amanda Burden as well as Deutsche Bank.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Columbia Universisty Eminent Domain Abuse Update

Community March on Columbia’s Expansion,
Thursday, March 22 – 4:00pm participants gather at 116th Street and
(Outside the Columbia campus gates)
4:30pm:  March up Broadway to 125th,  making a few short stops along
the way and ending up on 125th and 12th Ave.

Community members and Columbia and CCNY students will have a rally,
food and entertainment around 6pm at this site of the Triangle of
Eviction (Floridita, Tuckitaway, Singh’s gas station) which symbolizes
the eviction of Harlem residents that has already occurred and will
keep up as long as Cuomo’s Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC)
does Columbia’s dirty work and facilitates the digging of West Harlem’s
graveyard. We’ll be there for a while, so come late if you can’t come

A flyer circulating our demands (jobs, no biohazard level 3 labs*, no
forced displacement, justice for the businesses facing eminent domain,
that CU pay for asbestos removal in Floridita Restaurant so it can
reopen) will be available, or you can email and the
flyer can be sent as an attachment.

Please join Coalition to Preserve Community members and bring something
to keep a beat and make some noise.


Columbia U’s:      Harlem Eviction Plan

Gov. Cuomo’s:     Eviction Agency – E.S.D.C.

FORUM ON THE EXPANSION, MONDAY, MARCH 26TH, 8pm, Mathematics building,
on campus:

Some Columbia students are holding a forum on the expansion plan on
Monday, March 26th, from 8 to 10pm. Members of the community will be on
the panel which includes Prof. Mindy Fullilove (Columbia), Ramon Diaz
(owner of Floridita), Rev. Earl Kooperkamp (St. Mary’s Church), Sarah
Martin (Pres. of Grant Houses), Luis Tejada (Mirabal Sisters), and Tom
DeMott (CPC), and others. Lee Bollinger (employee of the Trustees) has
been invited by students.

Place: Mathematics Building  - room 203. Ask someone to direct you once
on campus.

* Ben Strauss of Climate Control spoke out once again last week about
sea level rise being a particular threat to NYC, suggesting the subway
system could be dramatically jeopardized by the effects of a low
category hurricane. He recommended that certain development projects
needed to be assessed and scaled back. Although he did not talk
specifically about Columbia’s acres of 80 foot basement a few hundred
feet from the Hudson - a foundation which is supposed to support
bio-hazard level 3 labs and 26 story buildings - we have all heard from
Columbia professor Klaus Jacobs about the dangers of this basement for

Mike Bloomberg SAIC Media Black-out Gerald Denault sued SAIC! Beat SAIC! Not News!!!!! 

FYI:   An investigative journalist was going to report Denault being SAIC and the editor of the newspaper here in NYC killed story and discourage investigative journalism to protect Bloomberg and pals!
Why? (see answer below).

Ask yourself why SAIC refused to continue to pay the legal expenses of Gerard Denault which they were legally obligated to do. As you know, the Delaware Chancery Court found against SAIC. Was it to insure his conviction by forcing him to use a court appointed lawyer?
You can reply to this comment by visiting the comments page.

Answer:  To Protect Bloomberg, his administration because the theft and abuse of tax payer money went on before Denault ever was ever hired.  NYC gov including Dept. of Investigation knew SAIC was screwing us.   see below

Regarding YouTube comment:  Thank you for having courage to come forward and speak up because Bloomberg and SAIC who were working together aggressively to push SAIC CityTime expansion and Mike Bloomberg fought for a full renewal with SAIC handing over mega-millions as we--- and that John Liu, Local 375 DC 37, Tish Jame and me -- but I was the only to say NO RENEWAL with SAIC and I have the YouTube to prove it.

Thank you John Cabot -- (famous explorer) we know Gerald Denault was the agreed upon scapegoat by SAIC and Bloomberg but this went on and on before and Bloomberg and SAIC are still pushing a flawed system wasting even more tax payer on a program -- Rudy's by the way that will be tossed just like Rudy's Welfare program tax payer disaster Maximus.  The sham continues.

Bottom line:  SAIC wanted to make sure Denault could not afford a lawyer to defend properly so he would go down and take fall for them and Denault beat them in court and no news agency reported.

His boss Deb Alderson already new job.

No NYC gov. official indicted either.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Christine Quinn Trying to Kill Seniors That Won't Vote For Her by Making them Stand outside for hours in freezing cold to testify they want a full service Hospital?

If you can't see Donny Moss's post here than you can go to face book.   My post from earlier is at the bottom as well as Bold Progress's report.

I was at City Hall by 7:30ish and made it to 250 Broadway by 7:45 and I froze my tatas off and left just before Donny got there.  I do want to point out that the NYPD were Peaceful and respectful.    We didn't need all the police presence but all was peaceful and the NYPD were not the problem but the private security for 250 Broadway along with Quinn and Rudin and I have links to Quinn NYU and The Villager pulling same dirty tricks a the bottom of the post.

75-Year Old Man Collapses and Hundreds, including Elderly, are Left Outside in the Cold

In spite of pleas from her constituents to hold the public hearing about St. Vincent's Hospital in a room large enough to accommodate the hundreds of people expected to attend, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn assigned the hearing to a room that could hold only 40 people.

As a result, hundreds of people, many of whom were elderly, were left standing outside in the frigid weather for hours behind barricades surrounded by at least a dozen police officers.  At 9:30 a.m., a 75-year old man collapsed and was taken away in an ambulance.

St. vincent's hearing
Hundreds told they would not be allowed inside to testify

police city hall
Was the NYPD expecting riots at a public hearing?

Christine Quinn, whose district includes St. Vincent's Hospital, purposely held this hearing in a small room to prevent hundreds of people from testifying against the plan to allow one of her biggest campaign donors, the Rudins, to build a luxury high-rise condo on the St. Vincent's site, which was zoned for community use.   

While hundreds waited outside in the cold, Rudin's cohorts were escorted into the building -- ahead of all of the people who had been standing in line.   

In response to a question from NYC resident Louis Flores who asked why people were being shut out of the public hearing, the head of Quinn's "Community Outreach Unit," Tony Simone, stated that all questions had to be directed to Speaker Quinn's press office. So much for community outreach....

By 11:30 a.m., four hours after people started to line up, all but about 50 people exited the barricades after being told that they weren't going to be given the chance to testify at this public hearing.

In the video below, Tom Allon, the publisher of Manhattan Media and a 2013 Mayoral candidate, states, "This is not democracy. This is a sham." He also states, "Right across the street is the City Council Chamber that has hundreds of seats...They were trying very deliberately to keep this under wraps."

Tom Allon
Click picture to watch video

Quinn's decision to sacrifice the health and safety of her constituents in order to repay her real estate donors is unethical and reckless.  And the fact that she forced hundreds of New Yorkers, including elderly people, to stand outside in the cold for hours as a strategy to silence them is downright cruel and undemocratic . . . and typical of Christine Quinn. 

Also typical of Quinn was her decision to hold this public hearing on Super Tuesday, when the news media would be too focused on the Presidential election to cover this local story. 

Please share this information with your friends and colleagues who vote in NYC.

If you would like to participate in the protest against Christine Quinn on Thursday morning at the Greenwich Village/Chelsea Chamber of Commerce breakfast, please send me an email.

For more information, please see "Christine Quinn: Behind the Smile"

 Like us on Facebook  View our photos on flickr 

Note: From Suzannah
Christine Quinn wants to kill off elderly voters she knows will vote against her -- what else could explain such vile abuse of her own District!

My post from this morning!!!!  I have interviews short ones with Andrew Berman and Yetta Kurland!

I interview Norman Siegel famed Civil Rights Lawyer!
NYU The Villager Christine Quinn -- the debate with Kurland and Derr --- Illusion of Democracy not Democracy.

Typical Christine Quinn and her evil supporters -- watch as NYU denies this handicap community member...  G-d forbid anyone treated her senior family members that way.

Evil Rudin, Christine Quinn and 250 Broadway Security Snuck in Rudin's Group and Keep The Most Elderly Fragile New Yorkers in Bitter Cold for Hours!!!!!!!!

250 Broadway security collude with evil Bill Rudin and Christine Quinn to keep the elderly and fragile outside in the bitter cold as long as possible  and they are still standing outside (10:18) and it is already 10am Many people came as early as 8am including Rudin's construction workers!

I saw retired NYPD officer now a Rudin Cop Mike Sweeney and an MD that Bill Rudin bought like a cheap piece of candy some how avoid the line and they arrived an hour after me!

Shame on Rudiin Management, 250 Broadway who did not believe me when I told them a senior elderly man had collapsed and the ambulance was called by NYPD -- they didn't believe me because he was hidden by the crowd and Dr. David Kaufman was attending to him along with Nurse Dunn true good souls and champions for a hospital.
Yetta Kurland was by my side as well and Occupy Wall Street Health Care was there as well as many long term seniors that really are fragile and have been forced to stand there for hours in the most bitter cold day,

NYPD Deputy Inspector Winski and his team were respectful of our 1st amendment rights.  They did feel the need to  pen us but an NYPD officer did call 911 for us.

The sad news is it took the ambulance a half hour to show up although I know this elderly man will be okay or I hope he will.

How evil the Rudin Family  and all players that helped Rudin flunkies to sneak in and keep the most fragile elderly New Yorkers out just like NYU and The Villager did for the Quinn kurland Derr debate and I caught the abuses on my 3gs Iphone and posted live from the street including NYU and the Villager turning away NY1 and City Hall News.

How dirty and it is about real estate greed and stupidity destroying and endangering our communities city wide!!!!

The back of my dress over my but slams Mike Bloomberg.