Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Christine Quinn Occupy Wall St. Quinn Taking Money Hand Over Fist Wall Street!!!!!!!

NY Post article laughable!

Christine Quinn is taking money hand over fist from Wall Street. http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2012/03/httpwww.html  She has her "community division" with tony simone of goldman sachs....he says F you to community members from her district like Donny Moss and sure hope he doesn't do that and fund raising on NYC gov time because that would be breaking campaign laws.  Chrisitne Quinn had nothing to say about the wrong mass arrests of OWS on Brooklyn Bridge because she enjoys being above the law like Mike Bloomberg -- both guilty of pushing through an illegal third term, abusing slush money and Cy Vance and US Attorney turn a blind eye!  They pushed through a third term selling a lie we needed Mike to help us with the economy.  Mike is now worth 22 Billion dollars and Quinn and her gal pals have grown richer.  Nice work if you can get it and all lies.  True criminals.

Irony:  The NYPD do the bidding of the 1 percent but if the 1 percent ever get this wish to turn this island of Manhattan in to the island of 1 percenters and their puppets with working class commuting in -- the "service class" the NYPD would die of boredom and miss all trouble makers big time.

I wrote a short story fictional sketch Blooders about these rich arrogant NY a-holes keeping people as slaves for their blood believe or not.

Posted a much longer comment part 2 NY Post.

More proof Goldman Sachs her community outreach and rumor has it they have offices in 250 Broadway -- where Christine Quinn locked out her community West Village Chelsea from testifying before City Council they demand a hospital.

Where was Quinn that morning and tony simone?  No where to be seen.

I confront her coming out the back door ps 41 because she is too much of a coward to face protestors that want to know why she takes kick backs from Rudin and won't fight for protective zoning for St. Vincent's buildings for a hospital only.

I catch her as usual -- the back door by the garbage dumpsters scurrying to avoid her critics.

Norman Siegel wants an investigation in to why the People were locked out in the freezing cold 250 Broadway -- where were the city council members -- when one senior handicap member got in 3 hours later but there were only 2 of 52 city council representatives.

I have handed Quinn a list of demands at City Hall with Norman Siegel at my side and in it demands an investigation in to why an ambulance took 30 minutes for a 75 year old man that passed out in the freezing cold.  Quinn's staff member to afraid to give me his biz card -- tall grey haired man said he called th 1st -- he did not give me the name of who he spoke to at the 1st and no 911 call happened.

I have the name of the NYPD officer that called 911 and followed up with him plus Dr. David Kaufman who made 7 calls and timed the ambulance as well as Nurse Dunn who with Kaufman attended to the man but in Quinn's mind it never happened.

250 Broadway security were evil as hell and refused my demand to allow the elderly and most fragile people in immediately out of the bitter cold.

Irony--- I was dressed in Quinn drag mocking her corrupt dealings with Rudin, John Sexton NYU, Emily Giske, term limits slush abuse etc but Quinn and Tony Simone were no were to be seen and clearly they have a relationship with 250 Broadway security who refused the most frail the warmth of shelter inside the building.  

Some future mayor she would make.

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