Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The NY Times Damage Control Lies For Christine Quinn Small Biz to St. Vincent's Hospital


Small business are dying around St Vincent's Hospitals grave, Christine Quonn's mega failure no trauma level 1 hospital no rape crisis cements no AIDS care small biz's dying along with people in ambulances who can't make it to Beth Israel...

Quinn does not want to pass sick days for small biz which effects minorities and Carolyn Ryan and Kate spin her in to a minority small biz hero?

 Carolyn Ryan is a disgraceful to journalism using Kate Taylor as Quinn's "spin girl" and  continuing  to do one side reporting,  make sure to prevent critics like me from commenting on The NY Times website and  black out the news on St Vincent and the Christine Quinn Chuck Meara scandals regarding betrayal of her own district, flushing the democratic process away again locking out her own district from testifying and refusing to investigate ambulance response times starting with half hour response for 75 year old man one if many Quinn victims prevented from a city council that couldn't be bothered to attend -- and Quinn and her huge staff were no where to be seen but I stood with the huge crowd dressed as Quinn underscoring her betrayal and abandonment as the basic human right to a hospital was flushed away along with the democratic process. 

Shame on publisher of The NY Times, the crafty corrupt fixers that brought in out of town lesbian Carolyn Ryan to kill mega stories like the St. Vincent's scandals, the death since St. Vincent's closed, the way Quinn has enraged her own district and The NY Times is killing stories on this this, CityTime Scandal which Quinn is implicated as well as green lighting billions in over-runs starting with ECTP 911 tech system where we The People were clearly robbed The NY Times is too busy doing   informercials and spin for Christine Quinn!!!!

Isn't The NY Times just a little interested in why Christine Quinn isn't pressuring Cy Vance to prosecute St. Vincent's crooks or why Quinn lied to me, Norman Siegel and community members in a meeting at City Hall stating she did not know which way she would vote..... she voted with the Rudin family who have donated the max to her run for mayoral campaign not news.


Here I am dressed as Christine Quinn standing with her community to demand a hospital a place Christine Quinn has refused to stand.

If that isn't a story worth reporting in NYC than what is?


If we have a terror attack this year and no St. Vincent's Christine Quinn could face a public hanging.

The New York Times refuses to report the news and is killing stories for Christine Quinn and silencing voices in opposition just like they did for Mike Bloomberg and he barely won.

Another news story The NY Times won't report just like my Mayor Bloomberg King of New York Poster that I released the same day Mike released his ad campaign and that poster will be historical -- it is already in The NY Historical society archive....

Louis Flores is working on a book using kick starter to come out with a book the same day Christine Quinn is which The Wall Street Journal reported in an article about how Christine Quinn uses the NYPD to harass and interfere with protestors!


It seems most New Yorkers do not even know who Quinn is but if Flores can't get the funding via kickstarter than Louis Flores will find another way but his expose will be shared with the public even if he finds a Dickensian way to do so.

Christine Quinn Talking Points the Meeting at City Hall  45 minutes and nothing....

The videos of NYPD harassing consistently peaceful protestors of Christine Quinn and giving seniors and handicap protestors a hard time grows like unemployment which may be as high as 17 percent not 10 and again The NY Times won't investigate either story to protect their mayoral hopeful.

It would be nice if you apathetic smoes would open up your wallets and make a contribution to this book.  Thank you.

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